php - How to show images from my database (BLOB type data)? -

this table upload

create table `upload` (   `id` int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,   `deskripsi` text,   `filetype` varchar(200) default null,   `filedata` longblob,   `filename` varchar(200) default null,   `filesize` bigint(20) default null,   primary key  (`id`) ) engine=myisam  default charset=latin1 auto_increment=49 ; 

this table article

create table `info` (   `id_info` int(10) not null auto_increment,   `judul_info` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci not null,   `konten` varchar(50000) collate latin1_general_ci not null,   `diubah_oleh` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci not null,   `id_kategori` int(10) not null,   `tgl_buat` timestamp not null default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',   `tgl_ubah` timestamp not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp,   `dibuat_oleh` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci not null,   `id` int(10) not null,   primary key  (`id_info`),   key `id_kategori` (`id_kategori`),   key `id` (`id`) ) engine=myisam  default charset=latin1 collate=latin1_general_ci auto_increment=5 ; 

this source code index.php

<?php include "config.php"; $query= "select upload.filetype, upload.filename, upload.filedata, info.judul_info, info.konten, info.diubah_oleh, info.id_info, info.tgl_buat, info.tgl_ubah, info.dibuat_oleh,  info  join  upload  on = id_info='4'"; $runquery = mysql_query($query);  while($result = mysql_fetch_array($runquery)) { $id = $result['id']; echo "<img src=get_image.php?id=$id>"; ?>  <div class="caption"> <?php $id_info = $result['id_info']; $judul = $result['judul_info']; $konten = $result['konten']; echo "<h3>$judul</h3>"; echo "<p>".substr($result['konten'], 0, 100)."...</p>"; echo "<a href=detail_info.php?page_detil=$id_info>selengkapnya</a><br><br>"; } ?> 

and, source code get_image.php

<?php include "config.php":  $id = addslashes($_request['id']);  $image = mysql_query("select * upload id=$id"); $image = mysql_fetch_assoc($image); $image = $image['filedata'];  header("content-type: image/jpeg"); echo $image; ?> 

i want images shown article, can show title , content of article images won't showed up. can me?

first: please avoid pass user input query directly! should switch mysqli or pdo:

to solve problem, should quote image href:

echo "<img src='get_image.php?id=$id'>"; 

if not help, open get_image.php in browser. image show up? if not, check query's result (just comment header line see output).


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