Pusher for Android Implementation -
i'm trying implement pusher service in android app, doesn't have access server copying ios app previous implementation. works fine in connection process when subscribe private channel authentication fails with:
"com.pusher.client.authorizationfailureexception: java.io.filenotfoundexception: https://authorization_url"
the implementation goes this:
httpauthorizer authorizer = new httpauthorizer(pusher_auth_url); pusheroptions options = new pusheroptions().setencrypted(true).setwssport(443).setauthorizer(authorizer); pusher = new pusher(pusher_key, options); pusher.connect(new com.pusher.client.connection.connectioneventlistener() { @override public void onconnectionstatechange(connectionstatechange change) { if (change.getcurrentstate() == connectionstate.connected) { channel channel = pusher.subscribeprivate(push_channel, new privatechanneleventlistener() { @override public void onauthenticationfailure(string s, exception e) { log.w("pusher", "channel subscription authorization failed"); } @override public void onsubscriptionsucceeded(string s) { log.w("pusher", "channel subscription authorization succeeded"); } @override public void onevent(string s, string s2, string s3) { log.w("pusher", "an event name " + s2 + " delivered!!"); } }, "my-event"); } } @override public void onerror(string message, string code, exception e) { log.w("pusher", "there problem connecting code " + code + " , message " + message); } }, connectionstate.all);
i'm sure problem authentication, there function call in ios version set headers channel subscription or that:
(void)pusher:(ptpusher *)pusher willauthorizechannel:(ptpusherchannel *)channel withrequest:(nsmutableurlrequest *)request; { [request addauthorizationheadersforuser:self.credentials.user]; }
im trying figure out add headers in android, try add authorizer nothing change:
any idea of equivalent in android of ios function: willauthorizechannel??
ok solved, thought, httpauthorizer needed set of headers can set directly when creating like:
httpauthorizer authorizer = new httpauthorizer(pusher_auth_url); authorizer.setheaders(my_auth_headers); //a hashmap headers pusheroptions options = new pusheroptions().setencrypted(true).setwssport(443).setauthorizer(authorizer); pusher = new pusher(pusher_key, options);
and works fine, in case have similar problem.
edit: how set authorization headers. it's map set "key" "value" pair example:
public static hashmap<string, string> getmapauthorizationheaders() { try { hashmap<string, string> authheader = new hashmap<>(); authheader.put("headerkey1", "headervalue1"); authheader.put("headerkey2", "headervalue2"); return authheader; } catch (exception e) { return null; } }
so pusher config like:
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