c++ - TLE for large inputs. How to run my code within the time limit? -
problem link-http://www.spoj.com/problems/lastdig/
summary-given 2 non negative integers , b, print last digit of a^b.
i tried using algorithm find modular exponentiation using less memory space(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/modular_exponentiation#memory-efficient_method) getting tle(time limit exceeding) error solution. changes should make run code in within 1 second? note 10 test cases need run within 1 second.
my solution:
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdlib> typedef long long ll; using namespace std; int me(ll a, ll b) { ll c=1; int e=0; while(e<b) { c=(c*a)%10; e++; } return c; } int main() { int t; ll a, b; vector <int> ldigit(31); cin>>t; for(int i=0;i<t;i++) { cin>>a>>b; if(b>=99999) ldigit[i]=me(a, b); else { int temp=pow(a, b); ldigit[i]=temp%10; } } for(int i=0;i<t;i++) cout<<ldigit[i]<<endl; return 0; }
the algorithm using slow large exponentiations. fast modular exponentiation considers bits in exponent, , needs o(lg(n)) multiplications/divisions whereas code needs o(n) multiplications. @ exponent of 1 billion difference 1 billion ~30. see right-to-left binary method.
the pseudocode wikipedia is
function modular_pow(base, exponent, modulus) assert :: (modulus - 1) * (base mod modulus) not overflow base result := 1 base := base mod modulus while exponent > 0 if (exponent mod 2 == 1): result := (result * base) mod modulus exponent := exponent >> 1 base := (base * base) mod modulus return result
which in c becomes
int modular_pow(int base, int exponent, int modulus) { int result = 1; base = base % modulus; while (exponent) { if (exponent & 1) { result = (result * base) % modulus; } exponent >>= 1; base = base * base % modulus; } return result; }
whereas code runs while loop 2 billion times exponents of 2 billion, code above runs loop ~32 times.
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