jquery - Send HTML Element Text From View To Controller -
i call function on controller view : (when user press button)
<input id="deactive_btn" type="button" value="deactive" class="btn btn-default" onclick="location.href='@url.action("setactive", "home", new { email = ??? ,activestatus = ??? })'"/>
the purpse of button is:
i have list of user display admin, admin allow deactivate user(the admin can achive pressing button "deactivate")
now need send "setactive" function in controller email of user can him , deactivate user, email of user display in td in table of users, gave id how can value it(from html element) , place here:
@url.action("setactive", "home", new { email = here!
this complete code of list user :
foreach (appuser appuser in userlist) { <tr> <td width="15%">@appuser.name</td> <td class="text-left" width="15%">@appuser.date.substring(0, appuser.date.indexof(" "))</td> <td class="text-left" width="10%">@appuser.role</td> <td id="user_email" class="text-left" width="24%">@appuser.email</td> <td class="text-left" width="10%"><span id=@url.content("status_lbl" + index) class="label label-success">active</span></td> <td class="btn-group-sm text-center"> <input id="@url.content("freeze_btn" + index)" type="button" value="deactivate" class="btn btn-default" onclick="location.href='@url.action("setactive", "home", new { email = ,activestatus = html })' " /> <input type="button" value="edit" class="btn btn-default " /> <input type="button" value="delete" class="btn btn-default " /> </td> </tr> index++; }
and jquery script :
$('input[id^=freeze_btn]').click(function (event) { var btn = $(event.target); var text = $(this).attr('value'); var newid = $(this).attr('id').replace('freeze_btn', 'status_lbl'); if (text == "active") { btn.val("deactivate"); $('#' + newid).removeclass("label-danger").addclass("label-success").text("active"); } if (text == "deactivate") { btn.val("active"); $('#' + newid).removeclass("label-success").addclass("label-danger").text("unactive"); } });
i think can using form there other way?
there motivation ajax form on html form?
since each row has own button, you're fine. can use razor set value in html attributes:
<input onclick="location.href='@url.action("setactive", "home", new { email = appuser.email.id ,activestatus = html })' " />
i've removed of code make easier read.
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