python - Improve ticking and grid using matplotlib -

i have following code:

import datetime matplotlib.ticker import formatstrformatter pylab import *  hits=array([100,250,130,290]) misses=array([13,18,105,15]) x = np.arange(len(hits)), 8, 1) date_list=array([base + datetime.timedelta(days=x) x in range(0,len(hits))])  fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,1,figsize=(15,10))  bar_handles=[] in range(len(hits)):     bar_handles.append(         ax.barh(             -x[i],hits[i],facecolor='#89e07e', edgecolor='white',             align='center',label="impressions"))     bar_handles.append(         ax.barh(-x[i],-misses[i],facecolor='#f03255', edgecolor='white',                 align='center',label="misses"))  in range(len(bar_handles)):     patch = bar_handles[i].get_children()[0]     bl = patch.get_xy()     percent_x = 0.5*patch.get_width() + bl[0]     percent_y = 0.5*patch.get_height() + bl[1]     percentage=0     if i%2==0:         j=i/2         percentage = 100*(float(hits[j])/float(hits[j]+misses[j]))     else:         j=(i-1)/2         percentage = 100*(float(misses[j])/float(hits[j]+misses[j]))     ax.text(percent_x,percent_y,"%d%%" % percentage,ha='center',va='center')  in range(len(hits)):     plt.yticks(-x,date_list) plt.tick_params(which='both', width=0)  max_hits_num=round(np.amax(hits),-2) max_miss_num=round(np.amax(misses),-2) xticks=np.arange(-max_miss_num,max_hits_num,50) minorlocator = fixedlocator(xticks) majorlocator = fixedlocator([0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorlocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorlocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(formatstrformatter('%d'))  ax.yaxis.grid(false) ax.xaxis.grid(b=true,which='minor', color='0.5', linestyle='-',linewidth=1) ax.xaxis.grid(b=true,which='major', color='b', linestyle='-',linewidth=2.5)  # ax2 = plt.twinx() # ax2.grid(false) # in range(len(hits)): #     plt.yticks(-x,hits+misses) 

this generates following image:

enter image description here

i left 1 big issue , 2 minor problems. big issue want add on right y-axis sums of values. add 113,268,235 , 305. trying along lines of twinx or share subplots did not work out me.

the minor issues are:

  1. on x-axis, values left of 0 should without minus sign.
  2. if closely, see the blue major vertical grid line coincides gray minor one. nice have blue one. can solved first finding index of 0 in xticks using numpy.where , removing element using numpy.delete.


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