android - How to dispaly incoorect Login toast validation -

in login form check username , password in database values,if correct show toast "welcome" , if wrong show toast "incorrect".but in coding if password wrong both toast display.

and if database null means type of condition makes toast

i'm new android,i know it's simple question, tried me please

signin.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {      @override     public void onclick(view v) {         // todo auto-generated method stub           database db=new database(sin.this);            sqlitedatabase sb=db.getwritabledatabase();          cursor c=sb.rawquery("select * newuser",null);           c.movetofirst();          for(int i=0;i<c.getcount();i++)              {                  if((c.getstring(1).tostring().equalsignorecase(un.gettext().tostring()))&&(c.getstring(3).tostring().equalsignorecase(pass.gettext().tostring())))                  {                      toast.maketext(sin.this, "welcome "+c.getstring(0),toast.length_long).show();                        finish();                     intent in=new intent(sin.this,mainactivity.class);                      startactivity(in);           }                   else          {             toast.maketext(sin.this, "invalid credentials",toast.length_short).show();          }                    c.movetonext();     }   } }); 

your basic problem in query

string username = un.gettext().tostring();     string pwd = pass.gettext().tostring();     string query="select * newuser username = "+"'"+ username+"'"+" , "+"password="+"'"+pwd+"'";  cursor c=sb.rawquery(query,null);   if(c.getcount()>0)  {    toast.maketext(sin.this, "welcome "+c.getstring(0),toast.length_long).show();                    finish();                 intent in=new intent(sin.this,mainactivity.class);                  startactivity(in);  }  else      toast.maketext(sin.this, "invalid credentials",toast.length_short).show();  


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