javascript - Naming two different inputs in a dynamically created form with JQUERY -

i writing program requires text box , textarea added dynamically form. using clone function purpose. unfortunately, cannot seem figure out how make each box have unique id. here jquery:

<script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function() {  $('#addbutton').click(function() { var num = $('.clonedinput').length; var newnum = new number(num + 1);  var newelem = $('#form1').clone().attr('id', 'form' + newnum); newelem.children(':first').attr('id', 'name' + newnum).attr('name', 'name');  $('#form' + num).after(newelem);  $(newelem).append(    $(document.createelement('input')).attr({        id:    'mycheckbox'  + newnum       ,name:  'mycheckbox' + newnum       ,value: 'myvalue'       ,type:  'checkbox'    }) ); });  }) </script> 

and html:

 <form method="post" form action="save3.php">  <div name="forms" id="form1" class="clonedinput" width="800px">      <label></label><textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="text1" class="text" name="text[]"      ></textarea>  <label></label><input type="text" id="title1" class="title" name="title[]">  </div>  </form> 

thank in advance

your problem seems you're renaming attribute values first child, label correctly gets id attribute value "name2":

newelem.children(':first').attr('id', 'name' + newnum).attr('name', 'name'); 

but can't see code takes care of textarea , input field in same manner. there several ways this, 1 being this:

$('#form' + newnum + ' textarea').attr('id','text' + newnum); $('#form' + newnum + ' input[type="text"]').attr('id','title' + newnum); 



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