javascript - ZeroClipboard and RequireJS - ZeroClipboard is not defined -

i'm attempting use zeroclipboard inside angularjs/requirejs application.

i have put zeroclipboard.js location /assets/js/vendors/zeroclipboard.js

i have set main.js of requirejs application


requirejs.config({      paths: {          jquery: 'vendors/jquery.min',         'clipboard': 'vendors/zeroclipboard',         underscore: 'vendors/underscore-min',         angular: 'vendors/angular.min',         'angular-route': 'vendors/angular-route.min',         'controllers': 'controllers',         'services': 'services',         'filters': 'filters',         'directives': 'directives',         'app': 'app'      },      shim: {         underscore: {             exports: '_'         },         'jquery': {             'exports': 'jquery'         },         'angular': {             exports: 'angular'         },         'states': {             deps: ['angular'],             exports: 'states'         },         'angular-route': {             deps: ['angular']         }     },     priority: [         'angular'     ] });  requirejs(['angular',             'app',             'underscore',             'routes',             'vendors/jquery.min',             'services/services',             'directives/directives',             'filters/filters',             'controllers/controllers'            ], function (angular, app, _) {                angular.element(document).ready(function () {                    angular.bootstrap(document, ['app']);                    document.getelementsbytagname('html')[0].dataset.ngapp = 'app';                });             }); 

and inside controller calling zeroclipboard


define(['clipboard'], function() {     var appctrl = function($scope, $modal, $timeout, $log, $http, $routeparams,  $rootscope) {         var client = new zeroclipboard( $("li#copy-buildr") );     };     return appctrl; }); 

all seem referenceerror: zeroclipboard not defined

try changing controller.js

define(['clipboard'], function(zeroclipboard) { 

note zeroclipboard in function arguments.


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