Render Prawn pdf and rqrcode display QR with Ruby on rails -
creating ruby on rails web application qrcode display qr code in pdf iam using gem 'rqrcode-with-patches', require: 'rqrcode' gem 'prawn' my post controller show pdf view def show respond_to |format| format.html format.pdf pdf = send_data pdf.render, filename: "post#{}.pdf", type: "application/pdf", disposition: "inline" end end end post_pdf class postpdf < prawn::document def initialize(post) super({top_margin: 30, page_size: 'a4', page_layout: :landscape }) @post = post post_id post_title qr_code end def post_id move_down 10 text "post id: #{}" end def post_title move_down 10 text "post title: #{@post.title}" end def qr_code move_down 10 end end i got error on display pdf, i...