javascript - CountDown Timer Before Redirect In Pure PHP -

i using pure javascript count down timer shared below redirect url after time , show left time visitor also.

demo: jsfiddle

<form name="redirect" id="redirect">  redirected next page after  <input size="1" name="redirect2" id="counter"></input>seconds. </form>  <script type="text/javascript">  var countdownfrom=5 var currentsecond=document.redirect.redirect2.value=countdownfrom+1  function countredirect(){  if (currentsecond!=0){  currentsecond-=1  document.redirect.redirect2.value=currentsecond  }  else{  showit()  return  }  settimeout("countredirect()",1000)  }  countredirect()  function showit() { window.location.href = ""; }  </script> 

now want same function , features , work in pure php know many old mobile browsers still does't not support javascript , many using javascript blocker. possible same in pure php, no <script> tags.


i know below codes want count down timer show visitor.

  • <?php header('refresh: 5; url='); ?>

  • <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=">


this can't done php need use jquery or javascript it. php server side scripting language have use client side language task.


for redirecting purpose use header() function in php redirect php file in time.your code should this

<?php     header( "refresh:5;url=" ); ?> 

hope helps you...


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