Subscript out of range when Activating a Workbook in Excel VBA -

i have big .csv file 15 columns , 36k rows. copy first row of .csv file ( have names) in new workbook , after copy third column array , count numbers of '0' , '1'.

i error "subscript out of range" when trying activate "main" workbook after copying first row. why?

sub leerfichero()  dim fichero variant  dim lastrow long dim lastcolumn long dim bomba variant  dim book workbook each book in workbooks if = "resumen.xlsx"     book.close savechanges:=false     end if     next book   fichero = application.getopenfilename( _                       filefilter:="excel workbooks, *.csv*", _                       title:="elige un fichero: ", _                       multiselect:=false)  if fichero <> false  lastrow = cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row lastcolumn = cells(1, columns.count).end(xltoleft).column  sheets("hoja1").range("1:1").copy workbooks.add activesheet.paste destination:=range("a1")   workbooks("lixcompletoprueba2.csv").activate '<-- subscript out of range here sheets("hoja1").column("c2").copy range("c2").select range(selection, selection.end(xldown)).select selection.copy 'windows("resumen.xlsm").activate 'activeworkbook.activesheet.range("c2").pastespecial paste:=xlvalues  activeworkbook.saveas _ filename:="c:\users\public\documents\libro excel\resumen.xlsx"    end if   end sub 


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