ruby on rails - Can't get values from json stored in database -

i'm trying write app logs json msgs db. part got. problem comes getting json back. can't values it. i've tried raw msgs db , getting values ( json gem seems not see json) i've tried parse via .to_json , doesn't seem work either. maby have idea how it? in advance


mjl_pk  bigserial mjl_body    text <- json stored here mjl_time    timestamp mjl_issuer  varchar mjl_status  varchar mjl_action  varchar mjl_object  varchar mjl_pat_id  varchar mjl_stu_id  varchar 


#include config catalog, jsonadds $load_path << 'config'  #requirements require 'sinatra' require 'active_record' require 'json' require 'jsonadds' require 'restclient'  #class db class mjl < activerecord::base #table name   self.table_name = "msg_json_log" #serialization   serialize :properties, json #overwrite activerecord id "mjl_pk"   def self.primary_key     "mjl_pk"   end end  #get json msg , write db post '/logger'   content_type :json #check if msg json   if json.is_json?(params[:data]) #insert data db     msg = mjl.create(:mjl_body => params[:data] ,:mjl_issuer => 'logger', :mjl_action => 'test', :mjl_object =>'obj')   else #else return error         puts "not json \n" + params[:data]   end end  #get json id = params[:id] '/json/:id'   content_type :json #get json db   json_body = mjl.where(mjl_pk: params[:id]).pluck(:mjl_body)   puts json_body   json_body = json_body.to_json   puts json_body #get 'patientdata' json   puts json_body['key']   puts json_body[0]['key'] end 


{ "key": "i value", "group": {   "key2": "next value",   "key3": "another one"   },   "val1": "val" } ["{\n    \"key\": \"i value\",\n    \"group\": {\n        \"key2\": \"next value\",\n        \"key3\": \"another one\"\n    },\n    \"val1\": \"val\"\n}"] key  <--empty value 'puts json_body[0]['key']' 

i've created json log in project this, might you...

in controller

current_time ="%d-%m-%y %h:%m") @status_log = {} @arr = {} @arr[:status_id] = "2.1" @arr[:status_short_desc] = "order confirmed" @arr[:status_long_desc] = "order item has been packed , ready shipment" @arr[:time] = current_time @status_log[2.1] = @arr @status_log_json = json.generate(@status_log) storestock.where(:id => params[:id]).update_all(:status_json => @status_log_json) 

in view

@json_status = json.parse(ps.status_json)  # ps.status_json contails raw json log  = @json_status['2.1']['status_long_desc']  

hope might you.


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