Android. Font size too large to fit in cache -

i want adjust app font size device size. have values, values-hdpi, values-ldpi.. folders , added there dimens.xml file , set dimens <dimen name="task_check_box_font">16sp</dimen>.

font size large fit in cache error.

how solve it? thanks

try this!


public class screenwidth {      public screenwidth(){}      @suppresslint("newapi")     public int getscreenwidth(context context) {         int columnwidth ;         windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) context                 .getsystemservice(context.window_service);         display display = wm.getdefaultdisplay();          final point point = new point();         try {             display.getsize(point);         } catch (java.lang.nosuchmethoderror ignore) { // older device             point.x = display.getwidth();             point.y = display.getheight();         }             columnwidth = point.x;           return columnwidth;     }  } 

now create object of above class screen size pragmatically.

screenwidth sw = new screenwidth(); int width_sc =sw.getscreenwidth(this); textview t1 = (textview)findviewbyid(; t1.settextsize(((width_sc*22)/768)); 

hope may you!


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