direct3d - Why the texture blurred ? I need it keeps the same resolution of the source image -
the source image 1920x1200 px.
here render function:
void render() { // clear backbuffer , zbuffer g_pd3ddevice->clear( 0, null, d3dclear_target | d3dclear_zbuffer, d3dcolor_xrgb( 0, 0, 255 ), 1.0f, 0 ); // begin scene if( succeeded( g_pd3ddevice->beginscene() ) ) { g_pd3ddevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_addressu, d3dtaddress_border); g_pd3ddevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_addressv, d3dtaddress_border); g_pd3ddevice->setsamplerstate(0, d3dsamp_bordercolor, 0x000000ff); g_pd3ddevice->settexture( 0, g_ptexture ); // render vertex buffer contents g_pd3ddevice->setstreamsource( 0, g_pvb, 0, sizeof( customvertex ) ); g_pd3ddevice->setfvf( d3dfvf_customvertex ); g_pd3ddevice->drawprimitive( d3dpt_trianglelist, 0, 2);//2 * 50 - 2 ); // end scene g_pd3ddevice->endscene(); } // present backbuffer contents display // show in 2 window g_pd3ddevice->present( null, null, null, null ); hwnd hwnd = windowfromdc(g_hdc); rect rc; rc.bottom = 600, rc.left = 100, rc.right = 600, = 100; //rect rc; rc.bottom = in->height, rc.left = 0, rc.right = in->width, = 0; g_pd3ddevice->present( null, &rc, hwnd, null ); }
what seen shows in here:
why image program displays blurred? how set texture better. source image 1920x1200 px !
maybe backbuffer isn't being resized when resize window?
where handle windows messages resizing window, make sure change d3d properties' settings height , width new ones, , reset device.
in old directx program of mine, msgproc function handles windows messages, using md3dpp d3d properties,
case wm_size: if( gd3ddevice ) { mbtimereset = true; md3dpp.backbufferwidth = loword(lparam); md3dpp.backbufferheight = hiword(lparam);
and when user done resizing, should send wm_exitsizemove message. then, reset device (my device called gd3ddevice)
haven't done graphics programming in years, , dx9, might wrong/rusty.
hope helps though :)
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