bash - zipalign stalling when finishing signing process of Android app -

i'm trying run zipalign finish signing process of android app, hangs there forever without output.

i've left on 30 min , nothing comes back. suggestions? possible re-install individually? there alternative?

i'm running osx 10.9.4.

update #1:

tried re-installing android sdk platform-tools, still seeing same behaviour.

i able run zipalign executing directly build-tools directory.

in case, zipalign executable worked fine under /usr/local/cellar/android-sdk/r20.0.3/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign. using executable got app signed in less 10 seconds.

then created symlink zipalign in terminal:

ln -sf /usr/local/cellar/android-sdk/r20.0.3/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign /usr/local/bin/zipalign 

for have never seen zipalign working (like me), takes couple of seconds run app (~8mb) , outputs files being compressed:

$ zipalign -v 4 myawesomeapp-release-unsigned.apk myawesomeapp.apk verifying alignment of myawesomeapp.apk (4)...       50 meta-inf/ (ok - compressed)     9974 meta-inf/ggrgoogl.sf (ok - compressed)    20132 meta-inf/ggrgoogl.rsa (ok - compressed)    21317 assets/www/css/fonts/itcavantgardestd-bk.otf (ok - compressed)    44346 assets/www/css/fonts/itcavantgardestd-bkcn.otf (ok - compressed)    67341 assets/www/css/fonts/itcavantgardestd-bkcnobl.otf (ok - compressed)    ....  6717884 res/drawable-port-mdpi/screen.png (ok)  6810380 res/drawable-port-xhdpi/screen.png (ok)  7311427 classes.dex (ok - compressed) verification succesful 


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