xml - How to convert a ns1.MyPersonalClass into ns2.MyPersonalClass ? They have same property or members -

i have problem.

suppose have 2 class, have same name, same property, same members, etc. not same namespace. here's example:

namespace ns1     public class myownclass          public member1 integer = 3         public member2 string = "noob"      end class end namespace  namespace ns2     public class myownclass          public member1 integer = 0         public member2 string = ""      end class end namespace 

i want create function dynamically cast class namespace1 namespace2, , want function work on every class have same members.

how ?

i want can use this:

dim class1 new ns1.mypersonalclass dim class2 new ns2.mypersonalclass  'convert class1 class2 convert(class1, class1.gettype, class2, class2.gettype) 

the equivalent in c# this

toutput convertequivalenttypes<tinput, toutput>(tinput structure)     tinput : class     toutput : class {     toutput result = null;      using (stream data = new memorystream())     {         new xmlserializer(typeof(tinput)).serialize(data, structure);         data.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);         result = (toutput)new xmlserializer(typeof(toutput)).deserialize(data);     }      return result; } 

vb.net equivalent of c# code have this:

imports system.io imports system.xml.serialization '...  private function convertequivalenttypes(of tinput class,                               toutput class)([structure] tinput) toutput   dim result toutput = nothing    using data stream = new memorystream()     dim oserializer new xmlserializer(gettype(tinput))     oserializer.serialize(data, [structure])     data.seek(0, seekorigin.begin)      dim odeserializer new xmlserializer(gettype(toutput))     result = directcast(odeserializer.deserialize(data), toutput)   end using    return result end function 
