javascript - How to bind json string containing key value pairs to autocomplete jquery textbox? -

i getting json string in form

[{"name":"hassi","email":""},   {"name":"hass","email":""}, {"name":"sam","email":""}] 

i following example given @ jquery-ui

i trying multiple values autocomplete email application. want show in format when user type name, autocomplete show thename+emails , on selection should show email. unlucky in doing so.

this code:

  function split(val) {        return val.split(/,\s*/);   }   function extractlast(term) {         return split(term).pop();   }       $("#<%=txtemail.clientid%>")        // don't navigate away field on tab when selecting item        .bind("keydown", function (event) {        if (event.keycode === $ &&           $(this).autocomplete("instance") {             event.preventdefault();        }      })      .autocomplete({          minlength: 0,          source: function (request, response) {            // delegate autocomplete, extract last term            response($.ui.autocomplete.filter(            jsondata, extractlast(request.term)));            // when jsondata whole json string displaying,            //i want show concatenate name + email          },          focus: function () {            // prevent value inserted on focus            return false;          },          select: function (event, ui) {            var terms = split(this.value);            // remove current input            terms.pop();            // add selected item            terms.push(;            // add placeholder comma-and-space @ end            terms.push("");            this.value = terms.join(", ");            return false;           }          }); 


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