windows runtime - CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary outputs a string rather than "binary" -

i'm using simple method save string:

public static async void savestringasync(string stringdata, string filename) {     storagefolder localfolder = applicationdata.current.localfolder;     storagefile file = await localfolder.createfileasync(filename, creationcollisionoption.replaceexisting);      ibuffer buffer = cryptographicbuffer.convertstringtobinary(stringdata, binarystringencoding.utf8);      await fileio.writebufferasync(file, buffer); } 

when open saved file in notepad, see string in full glory. under impression saving binary mean if open file in notepad, i'll see garbage , random characters.

i wanted see light obfuscation saving even though not security requirement (no passwords, sensitive data being saved of kind). there no way write out file show nonsense rather pure string?


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