java - Birt reports not working in Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) -

i have created , running birt reports in java application using birt 3.7.2, called jsp page followingl

birt:viewer id="birtviewer" reportdesign="reportname" pattern="frameset" showtitle="false" height="450" width="1058" format="html" scrolling="no" showparameterpage="false"> </birt:viewer> 

these reports working fine in browsers except in ie 9. (working in ie 8 well).

i have use birt in ie9 without adding meta compatible tag, we're using metro ui, following :

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=emulateie7" >.  

we can not use meta tag because using metro ui there not compatible ie 8.

check http requests confirm have percent encoded characters in http requests. ie9 has problem percent encoded characters in url.

kb article explaining design.

blog post explaining how uri mechanism work @ older windows platform.

i wasn't able find solution it. had option not use encoding of url requests birt. bypassed problem converting characters needed encoding in understand , replacing converted character in birt script original value.


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