c# - Comparing GUID to string in LINQ to Entites throws error -

edit, not duplicate. suggested links want me call tostring() running .count() , trying greater comparison calling tostring() not correct answer.

i trying fill variable using if shortcut when run error

linq entities not recognize method 'system.guid parse(system.string)' method, , method cannot translated store expression.

the code running is

isadmin = (db.yaf_prov_rolemembership              .where(rm => rm.userid == userkey                           && rm.roleid == guid.parse("adsfasd654asdf816asdf"))              .count() > 0) ? true : false; 

if take away guid.parse , straight comparison error

operator == cannot applied operands of type system.guid , string

what needs done in order compare guid string in linq query?

don't know why dave deleted answer - should move string parsing out of store expression. otherwise entity framework tries convert guid.parse method call sql, , fails that:

var adminroleid = guid.parse("adsfasd654asdf816asdf"); 

also use queryable.any simplify query:

isadmin = db.yaf_prov_rolemembership             .any(rm => rm.userid == userkey && rm.roleid == adminroleid); 


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