jquery - CSS: Rotated Text centerd in div -

i cant find solution this: display rotated text (caption) next image.

i have found things this: http://jsfiddle.net/hvhbp/27/ , more , helps me lot, problem solution doesnt work more text 1 word.

what can fix this?

at moment have this:

<div class="rotatedbox">   <div class="rotatedboxinner">     <span class="rotatedtext">test test test</span>   </div> </div> 


    .rotatedboxinner {       display: block;       -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);      -moz-transform:    rotate(-90deg);      -ms-transform:     rotate(-90deg);      -o-transform:      rotate(-90deg);   filter: progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.basicimage(rotation=3);       }       .rotatedbox {       position: absolute;      bottom: 0;     top: 0;       left: -50;        /* right: 0 !important; */     margin-left: auto !important;     margin-right: auto !important;     display: inline-block !important;      /* images part of slideshow using cycles 2     images/slideshows have differnt heights */    } 

thanks help!

i realy hope fix problem using jquery calculating height of image post whole code, maybe using cycles 2 slideshow , rotated captions

<div class="imagewrap">   <script type="text/javascript">   $(window).load(function() { var img = $("#image<?echo $post->id;?>"); console.log(img); $("#rotate<?echo $post->id;?>").css({width:img.height()});  $("#rotate<?echo $post->id;?>").css({top:img.height()-35});  });  </script>   <div class="rotatewrapper">    <p id="rotate<?echo $post->id;?>" class="rotate"> caption here   </p>  </div>     <div class="cycle-slideshow auto" id="<?echo $post->id;?>" data-cycle-loader=true                       data-cycle-progressive="#images<?echo $post->id;?>"                   >   <img id="image<?echo $post->id;?>"   class="image" src="<? echo $bilder[$post->id][0]; ?>"   data-cycle-title="<? echo $titles[$post->id][0];?>">   <script id="images<?echo $post->id;?>" type="text/cycle">  <? ($i = 1; $i <= count($bilder[$post->id]); $i++) { echo "<img class='image' src='" .$bilder[$post->id][$i]. "'  data-cycle-title='" .$titles[$post->id][$i]. "' >";  }?>   </script> </div> 


.imagewrap { width: 1%; display: table; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important;   }     .rotate {  top:450px;  ///will override  width:450px;  ///will override   position: absolute;  -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 100%; -moz-transform-origin:    0% 100%; -ms-transform-origin:     0% 100%; -o-transform-origin:      0% 100%;  -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);  -moz-transform:    rotate(-90deg);  -ms-transform:     rotate(-90deg);  -o-transform:      rotate(-90deg);   filter: progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.basicimage(rotation=3);   }  .rotatewrapper{  display: table-cell; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; }  .rotatewrapperinner { position: relative; margin-top: 97px; }  .image{ max-width: 380px!important; height: auto; left: auto !important;  right: 0 !important; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; display: inline-block !important; } 


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